Making your resolutions work for you
Rushika Bhatia
Corporate lifestyle

Making your resolutions work for you

Now that a new year is upon us, combined with the festive indulgence of the last few weeks, are you, like many, currently putting some thought into your annual fitness and wellbeing resolutions, asks Guillaume Mariole, from Ignite Fitness & Wellness.

Making your resolutions work for you

Most of us resolve to be fit next year, as we devour the last cupcake and loosen the belt, and we even declare our intention to achieve the goal in record-breaking time. But all too often it seems nothing but a distant memory by the end of January. Making the changes required seems like too much hard work so we gradually slack off. Sounds familiar?

Whether you want to lose a few pounds or train for your first triathlon, follow our top tips to make sure your resolutions become tangible goals followed by successes achieved. You’ll also realise how much more energy you have for work. Staying fit is good for your bottom line – pun unintended.

Base your resolutions on more than a fleeting thought

We all have moments when we resolve on the spot to do something, so having a strong initial commitment is an absolute essential. But be prepared for some hard work, continued commitment and, yes, a little sacrifice. The first month will always be tough but after that you should have a routine so you won’t have to try so hard.  Most experts agree that it takes around 21 days to form a habit and around six months for it to become a part of your daily life.

Be specific

Saying you want to lose weight or get fit or have more energy at work are pretty worthless statements. If your resolutions aren’t definitive, how will you know when you’ve reached them? It’s better to be more concrete, for instance, aim to lose 10 lbs or run a 10 km race and set a realistic timeframe to work towards.

Be realistic

Probably the most common reason for failed resolutions is the fact that they were entirely unrealistic and therefore simply not achievable. If you are a tall and heavy-set, you simply can’t aim to weigh the same as Jennifer Aniston; if you are new to running, biking and swimming, ditch the grand plans to finish an iron man and aim instead to start with a mini-triathlon.

Create a plan of attack

You need to create a detailed action plan of how you want to get from point A (where you are now) to point B (where you are post-resolution). If it’s about losing weight and exercising regularly to relieve your bad back – what with hours of sitting in front of the computer – think through details like how often you’re going to work out, for how long, where, when and even with whom. Write these details down, post them where you can see them and continually monitor your progress.

Break it down

Depending on how ambitious your resolution is, you may need to break it down; rather than one huge intimidating goal, break it into a number of smaller ones and set milestones for each one. If you resolved to run a 10 km race for example, make mini-goals such as running 5 km in less than 30 minutes, adding upper body strength sessions to your training, and running 1km in your fastest time ever. Reward yourself when you reach each milestone to keep motivation levels sky-high.

Believe to achieve

You need to believe you can achieve your resolutions; unless you believe you can 100% reach them, you will have no true motivation. Those who think they can and those who think they can’t are both right; the power of positive thinking knows no end. Some people like to write down positive affirmations to help instil self-belief, others swear by visualisation techniques or creating a vision boards which depicts you after you have achieved your resolution. Find what works for you and stick with it.

Have a backup plan

Weak moments are inevitable so prepare for them. You will always hit bumps along the resolution road so think about little strategies to help you overcome these moments. Deep breathing often helps, picking up the phone to call a friend, or look at your resolution on paper to re-affirm what and why you want it.

Track your progress

Keeping a journal to track your progress can be the simple difference between resolutions achieved or ditched. Record as much detail as you can which will create a blueprint of your mini-accomplishments and set-backs.

Don’t go it alone

Declare your resolutions to those around you. When we are held accountable to our family, friends and colleagues, it’s often easier to stay on the right track. Reach out for support too; ask a friend to be a mentor, seek professional support from a fitness expert or join online forums to help you along the way.

Ultimately, the start of a new year is the perfect time to turn a new page. A new year symbolises a new start thus a great opportunity to eliminate bad habits and establish new routines that will help you grow physically, emotionally and mentally.


Guillaume Mariole is the Managing Director of Ignite Fitness & Wellness. For more information visit, call +971 (0) 4 305 0844 or email